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Clan Moncrieffe History
Of great antiquity, and possibly descending through a female stem from the Celtic royal dynasty, the name Moncreiffe is derived from the feudal barony of Moncreiffe in Perthshire. The lands take their name from the gaelic ‘Monadh Croibhe’ meaning ‘hill of the sacred bough’. The clan badge features an oak tree, presumably the aforementioned sacred tree!
The heraldry of the clan Moncreiffe is the red royal lion on a silver shield – also the colours of Maldred, brother of Duncan I. This links the family with the ancient royal house of Ireland, that of the great king Niall of the Nine Hostages.
Though not having the spectacular and kaleidoscopic history of some Scottish clans, the Moncreiffe family often held great prominence in Scottish and foreign affairs. One Laird of Moncreiffe was Chamberlain to young King James III, and the Moncreiffe clansmen fought alongside James IV at Flodden. Other notable achievements of the family were to produce three renowned Scottish judges and an Episcopal Bishop of Glasgow.
Abroad, one branch of the Moncreiffe family took part in the attempt to restore the deposed King of Sweden in 1574, while in France another branch of the family founded no less than three noble French families!
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